Shooting/Olympic sport disciplineEVENTS
- 10m Air Rifle Men
- 50m Rifle 3 Positions Men
- 10m Air Pistol Men
- 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Men
- Trap Men
- Skeet Men
- 10m Air Rifle Team Men
- 50m Rifle 3 Positions Team Men
- 10m Air Pistol Team Men
- 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Team Men
- Trap Team Men
- Skeet Team Men
- 10m Air Rifle Women
- 50m Rifle 3 Positions Women
- 10m Air Pistol Women
- 25m Pistol Women
- Trap Women
- Skeet Women
- 10m Air Rifle Team Women
- 50m Rifle 3 Positions Team Women
- 10m Air Pistol Team Women
- 25m Pistol Team Women
- Trap Team Women
- Skeet Team Women
- 10m Air Rifle Mixed Team
- 10m Air Pistol Mixed Team
- Skeet Mixed Team
- Trap Mixed Team
- 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Mixed Team
- 50m Rifle 3 Position Mixed Team
The longest competition
The European Games will feature 30 shooting competitions – twelve individual (as in the Paris Olympics program), twelve team and six mixed. The competition will begin on June 22 and last until July 2. Shooting will be the longest-running sport on the program for the entire event, with medals being handed out over 11 days.
This is another discipline where, in addition to European Games medals, the battle will be for Olympic qualification. During the competition at the shooting center in Wroclaw, twelve passes to Paris will be up for grabs, six each for men and women, which is in line with the principle of gender equality, also guiding the 3rd European Games Krakow – Malopolska.
There are 450 athletes eligible to take part in the III European Games Krakow – Malopolska. The stands of the sports shooting range will accommodate 1,300 spectators.

The elite’s favorite sport
The origins of shooting as a sport date back to Great Britain, where this discipline was practised by social elites. In 1860, the National Shooting Association was founded to promote shooting among all citizens.
At the turn of 18th and 19th centuries, shooting became popular also in the USA, where emigrants coming from Great Britain or Germany willingly organised competitions. They shot not only at turkeys or pigeons, but also practiced target shooting.
The International Shooting Federation was founded in 1907, and at the first modern Olympic Games in 1896 in Athens participants were already fighting for medals in this sport discipline. A year later, first world championships were held.

Shooting VENUE