The special role of the European Games. “We will remind people how important the idea of volunteering is”

– I am convinced that together we will promote the idea of volunteering and remind how important it is in the process of building valuable societies and in the organisation of major sports events, such as, among others, the 3rd European Games Krakow – Małopolska 2023,” emphasises Radosław Piesiewicz, President of the Polish Olympic Committee.
Almost 8,000 volunteers will support the organisers during the European Games Krakow – Małopolska 2023, all to make the event an extraordinary and unforgettable event.
The Polish Olympic Committee (PKOl), by a decision of the European Commission, received one million euros for a project to promote and develop volunteering, both during the 3rd European Games Krakow-Malopolska 2023 and other major sporting events organised in Poland. The funding comes from the EU’s ERASMUS+ programme.
– This is a first, historic programme for European sport. I would like to thank the European Commission, and in particular Ms Maria Gabriel – European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth for their trust, the funds provided and for entrusting the PKOl with the role of project leader and promoter of volunteering. I am convinced that together we will promote the idea of volunteering and remind how important it is in the process of building valuable societies and in the organisation of major sporting events, such as, among others, the Third European Games Krakow-Malopolska 2023,” emphasises Radosław Piesiewicz, President of the Polish Olympic Committee, on the website.
According to the PKOl, the project will focus on promoting volunteering and its benefits in Poland over the next 12 months and is a response to the challenges of the volunteering movement worldwide.
“It aims to train volunteers, run promotional campaigns showing the benefits of volunteering and highlight the role that volunteering and sport can play in promoting social inclusion among people from different backgrounds,” – reports the PKOl.
The main event the project is focusing on is the European Games Krakow – Małopolska 2023, which will be played from 21 June to 2 July.
During the event, volunteers will provide information to fans, welcome visitors to welcome boards in hotels and airports, assist fans with disabilities, operate in the sports competition areas and support organisers in areas such as issuing accreditation, media support, logistics, directing to stands, supporting athletes, referees and national teams.