Bielsko-Biala Arena
The Bielsko-Biała Arena is located in the Olszówka district. The area of the facility is about 6,610.5m, of which more than 1,500m is occupied by external areas adjacent to the hall. Construction of the hall began on April 15, 2009, and it was put into operation a year later, on April 23. The hall serves the function of entertainment, sports, and exhibitions, and the stands designed for watching sports shows from them have 3,000 seats – for cultural events, the maximum capacity of the hall can be as high as about 4,500 seats. The hall can be used for volleyball, handball and soccer matches, futsal, badminton tournaments and defensive sports. It is also possible to lay out a full-size ice rink. During the European Games, the hall will turn into an arena for the competition of about 100 top karate players from all over Europe.

About Bielsko-Biala
One of the most charming cities in the Silesian region, known for its historic architecture, recreational areas and unique location among picturesque hills. Strolling around the city is pure pleasure – the town offers plenty of attractions for everyone. What’s certainly worth visiting is the Sulkowski Dukes’ Castle, located in the very centre of the city, which today also serves as the Historical Museum. Town’s market square is also stunning. We will discover a fountain with a statue of the Roman god of waters and seas, Neptune, and classicist townhouses located all around. We can also admire archaeological expositions that date back to the 17th century. Our attention will also certainly be drawn to the Neo-Renaissance town hall and St. Nicholas Cathedral, which stands out for its interesting finishing touches, combining a variety of architectural styles.
Kids will love the Banialuka Theater – its famous puppet shows take viewers to a magical fairy-tale world. In the legendary Drawing Film Studio we will spend a wonderful time alongside characters from old TV cartoons. There will also be no shortage of attractions at the Bielskie Blonia – you can, for example, play miniature golf or go on an adventure at the rope park here.
It is impossible to describe Bielsko-Biala without mentioning the beautiful areas surrounding it. Thanks to its convenient location, the town can be a perfect starting point for trips to the peaks of the Silesian Beskids. Nearby is Miedzybrodzkie Lake, where water equipment rentals operate. From here we can go on mountain hiking trails, and climb, for example, to Czupel, the highest peak of Little Beskids.