Agreement with COS signed

On January 14, another important agreement concerning the organisation of the European Games Krakow-Małopolska 2023 was signed in Zakopane. The document specifies the terms of cooperation between the Central Sports Centre – Olympic Preparation Centre in Zakopane and the European Games company. The main point of the agreement is the lease of two ski jumps – the Wielka and Średnia Krokiew jumping hills.
The European Games are getting closer and closer. The beginning of an event is scheduled on June 21. Several thousand athletes from 48 European countries will compete in 26 sports disciplines. At stake will be not only European Games medals but also Olympic qualifications or European Championships. It will be the biggest sports event in Europe in 2023.
On Saturday, another important step was taken in preparation for the event. The European Games Ltd. signed an agreement with the Central Sports Centre – Olympic Preparation Centre in Zakopane. The letter specifies the terms of cooperation in the organisation of the Games.
The subject of the agreement is the lease by the Organising Committee of Wielka Krokiew and Średnia Krokiew, the main building of the Central Sports Centre with infrastructure facilities, parking and outdoor areas. The lease will begin on June 15, 2023, and will last until July 5, 2023.
The signing ceremony took place on Saturday, January 14. The event was attended by:
– Kamil Bortniczuk – Minister of Sports and Tourism
– Andrzej Gut-Mostowy – Secretary of State at the Ministry of Sport and Tourism
– Witold Kozłowski – Marshal of Małopolska Region
– Sebastian Danikiewicz – Director of the Central Sports Centre – Olympic Preparations Centre in Zakopane
– Marcin Nowak – President of the European Games Company
– Adam Małysz – President of the Polish Ski Association

“I am glad that the hills of COS Zakopane officially join the facilities that will be the arenas of competition. The Games, which will be held in Poland this year, are a new quality on the sports map of Europe. For the first time they will be held in a European Union’s country, and the sports programme will be exceptional,” said Kamil Bortniczuk, Minister of Sports and Tourism. “We support the organisation of the III European Games Kraków-Małopolska in various ways. 250 million are funds for investment in sports facilities in the cities where the competition will be held. This is an investment in the future,” he added.
As part of the Third European Games, an intensive campaign is underway and planned to promote Poland as a country attractive to tourists, targeting a wide audience not only in Europe.
“We have a chance to show that Poland is a safe country, that it is worth visiting, and that our hospitality and high quality of tourist services encourage people to choose Poland as a holiday or weekend destination. The promotion of Poland through the Games is a boost in development that will benefit all of us,” said Deputy Minister Gut-Mostowy.
– Do III Igrzysk Europejskich zostało 158 dni! Jesteśmy na ostatniej prostej procesu organizacyjnego. Już 21 czerwca Kraków i Małopolska staną się centrum europejskiego sportu – powiedział Marszałek Województwa Małopolskiego Witold Kozłowski. – Cieszę się z dzisiejszego wydarzenia i współpracy z Centralnym Ośrodkiem Sportu – Ośrodkiem Przygotowań Olimpijskich w Zakopanem. To ważny krok, który – jestem przekonany – będzie procentował na przyszłość – dodał.
Adam Małysz zwrócił uwagę, że skoki na igelicie są coraz popularniejsze. – Ze względu na zmiany klimatyczne, skoki na sztucznej nawierzchni mogą być przyszłością tego sportu – zauważył prezes PZN.
Marcin Nowak assessed that the agreement is a big step forward. “We are very happy that the Zakopane ski jumps, as planned, are joining the venues of the European Games. The Wielka Krokiew is a facility that remembers the triumphs of our great ski jumpers, from Stanislaw Marusarz, through Adam Małysz or Kamil Stoch to Dawid Kubacki. We hope that the European Games will be an opportunity to write a continuation of this great history,” said the president of the European Games Organizing Committee.
The ski jumping competition will last five days. On June 27, the women will compete on the Średnia Krokiew, and a day later the men. On June 29, the same hill will host the mixed competition. In late June and early July, the competition will move to the Wielka Krokiew. On June 30 the women’s competition will be held, and on July 1 the men’s. Participation in the tournament has been confirmed by the leading national teams, including the Polish team, with its strongest competitors.