Olympic Night Run: registration has begun!

Registration has begun for the Olympic 10 km Night Run, which will take place on the evening before the 20th Cracovia Marathon – on Saturday, April 22 at 9:30 p.m. As many as 6,000 adults will be able to take part in the biggest event accompanying the anniversary edition of the Cracovia Marathon. Participants will start and finish where the marathoners do – on the Main Square.
The view of the illuminated monuments and streets of the Old Town from the runner’s perspective is a unique experience, as competitors who have participated in the event agree. The start and finish line in the glare of the lights and with the loud cheering of the crowd of supporters on the Main Square in Cracow are also unique.
The Titular Partner of this year’s eighth edition of the run is the European Games 2023 Company.
– As was the case during last year’s 8th Cracovia Królewskie Half Marathon, when we jointly organized a run dedicated to the European Games, this will also be the case for the 20th anniversary Cracovia Marathon – for the Night Run on April 22. I am very pleased that with this event and at this event we will promote the European Games Krakow-Malopolska 2023. – says Krzysztof Kowal, Director of the Board of Sports Infrastructure in Krakow – the organizer of the run.
– I have myself participated in previous editions of the Night Run. Without hesitation, we accepted this proposal and will be present during the biggest running festival in April. Participants will be able to feel part of our project – the 3rd European Games Krakow-Malopolska 2023 and make a contribution to making this event talked about for many, many years to come. By participating in the Games Night Run, you will be able to become, in fact, a full-fledged member of the Polish national team, this our Third European Games Team. – emphasizes Marcin Nowak, President of the European Games 2023 Company.
Registration and detailed information can be found HERE