A brief history of diving at the European Games

During the upcoming 3rd European Games, competition in diving will take place at the swimming pool in Rzeszow. It is only the second time in history that athletes will compete in this sport for medals during the said event.
Diving was missing from the program of the second edition of the IE, which took place in Minsk, Belarus (in 2019). On the other hand, medals were handed out in eight competitions during the first tour (in Baku, in 2015). Both men and women competed: in jumping from a trampoline (1m and 3m), in synchronized jumping from a trampoline (3m) and from a tower.
Of course, there is a much longer history in diving at the Olympic Games. They were included in their program as early as 1904 (the third edition).
About 130 athletes from 25 countries will compete for medals in 13 competitions in the capital of Podkarpackie during the Third European Games.