Piotr Nurowski prize for the 2023 best summer young European Athlete!

The European Olympic Committees (EOC) has officially opened the candidatures for the 12th Summer Piotr Nurowski “Best Young European Athlete” Prize.
National Olympic Committees (NOCs) are to submit their country’s nominee to the EOC by 1st September 2023.
The awards ceremony will take place at the EOC General Assembly in Istanbul, Turkey 6-7 October 2023. Also during this meeting, the host of 4th European Games 2027 will be probably revelead. The winner taking home a €15,000 training scholarship, the second and third place €8,000 and €5,000 respectively, whilst the fourth and fifth will both receive €3,000.
The Prize was created in 2011, to remember and honour former President of the Polish Olympic Committee Piotr Nurowski; using his example and his memory to encourage young athletes to pursue a career in top sport and inspire future generations to adopt a healthy lifestyle based on Olympic ideals and principles.
Successful candidates must be up-and-coming athletes aged 18 and under, that over recent years have demonstrated outstanding sporting achievements, embodied Olympic culture and values, and showcased exceptional behaviour, action and/or conduct on and off the field of play.
Last year’s summer prize went to Serbian athlete Angelina Topic, who at the age of 17 won bronze in the high jump at the 2022 European Athletics Championships, becoming the youngest medallist of the entire championships.