Diving – a sport present in Polish film

Diving is not one of the most popular sports in Poland. However, its charm was appreciated by some filmmakers in our country.
The coach of this sport was played by the legendary actor Zbigniew Cybulski in the film “Tomorrow Mexico” (directed by Alexander Scibor-Rylski). It was made in 1965 and in no way resembles the well-known comedy filmed five years earlier, “His Wife’s Husband” (there the focus was on athletics and boxing). “Tomorrow’s Mexico” is a psychological drama, which, however, fans of sports and Cybulski’s talent should see. Without giving away the content, one of the interesting facts is that at the beginning the action moves to a swimming complex in Gdynia, which has not been open for years.
“Privately, Cybulski loved riding a motorcycle. This is what he was famous for. Many fans of his talent did not realize that the actor did not have – to put it mildly – an athletic figure, especially towards the end of his life. “He was overweight, which he masked by dressing in black-colored outfits, which gave the impression that he was relatively slim,” said Andrzej Domagalski, a longtime sports journalist who worked, among others, for “Temp” and the Cracow-based “Dziennik Polski. He was Rotunda’s program director in the 1970s.
Of course, in the films of the 21st century you will find the theme of diving. An example is “Why not!” (romantic comedy), which premiered in 2007.
Also in TV series we can see diving. One of the more famous, is “Far from the Road.” In it, a scene that takes place during a competition in this sport is important for the plot (it begins in the 22nd minute of the fourth episode: “Waiting”). At that time, the action of the series took place in Lodz, while the stands are full of fans. However, as Marek Kondraciuk, director of the Department of Sports at the City Hall in Lodz, assured, such a large number of people watching sports struggles was certainly not the idea of the series creators.
He added that in the 1970s a lot of people always came to the competitions held at the swimming pool (and not only) because at that time it was one of the few forms of entertainment available. According to him, the mentioned scene was filmed at the “imka” (formally YMCA) or “Trójka” swimming pool in Lodz.
Also the serial ace of the Polish militia (simplifying the matter for him was the term for the police in communist Poland) Slawomir Borewicz, played by Bronislaw Cieslak, showed off his impressive jump into the water (probably the actor was replaced in this scene). In this way he wanted to impress a young, pretty stewardess. This role was played by Nina Goclawska. This takes place at the beginning of episode 11 of the series “07 call in”.
The struggles in this impressive sport, during the European Games will be held in Rzeszow.